Sperm whale beached at Pegwell
Thursday, 10 March 2011 22:35
A 15 metre Sperm Whale was washed up at Pegwell Bay in East Kent on the 3rd March 2011. Initial post mortem work indicates that the animal had not fed for some time and was dehydrated, a typical finding in large whales that beach dead or dying in the Southern North Sea area. The typical diet for this species is medium sized mesopelagic squid and demersal fish, which they hunt in deep waters off the continental shelf. Interestingly, this animal beached very close to where a Killer Whale was brought ashore in in the 1990's and not far north of where other large whales, including Humpback, have washed up in previous years, probably reflecting a drift on prevailing currents from the Western Approaches. If you do ever see a marine mammal while out on the beach, yatching or boating please do let KMG know and we will make sure the information goes on all the relevant databases used by Government and others. Jon Bramley County Mammal Recorder/SeaWatch Recorder |