Home Courses & Events Details - Kent goes wild

Courses & Events

Kent goes wild 

Sat 25 Sep 2010 - Sun 26 Sep 2010 10.30 h - 16.00 h
Outdoor Event
Dunorian Park
This is an archived listing for a past event. To find out about future events see the Upcoming Events page.

Activity Description:

The Garden of England is a beautiful place with huge varieties of wildlife and habitats for everyone to see and enjoy. Wildlife spotting is not only limited to specific designated sites; there are some great places to see all kinds of species, if you keep your eyes peeled.


You can spot wildlife in your town centre, along the side of roads, in parks, woodlands, hedges, roadside verges, gardens or grasslands.


For the last 5 years, Kent County Council has been involved in organising Kent Goes Wild, an event which encourages more people to become interested in wildlife recording and conservation.


The county's wildlife recorders and local and national organisations will be there to answer any questions you may have.


Children can also take part in junior recorders activities, and learn more about Kent's wildlife.


If you would like more information, please telephone 01622 221468 or email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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