09:00 Registration & Coffee/Tea
09:30 Welcome by Chairman for the morning session
Dr Pat Morris
09:40 What have we learned about hazel dormice in conifer plantations?
Dr Roger Trout, Forest Research
10:15 Life in fragmented habitats: when does a gap become a barrier?
Dr Paul Chanin
10:50 Coffee/Tea
11:20 Captive breeding and re-introduction of the hazel dormouse in England
Hazel Ryan, Wildwood Trust
11:55 Micro-chipping and the secret life of the dormouse
Sue Tatman
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome by Chairman for afternoon
Johnny Birks, The Mammal Society
13:35 The South East Dormousers, a monitoring tail from Kent and Surrey
Jon Bramley, Kent Mammal Group & Dave Williams, Surrey Mammal Group
14:05 Hedgerows for Dormice
Jim Jones, People's Trust for Endangered Species
14:40 Coffee/Tea
15:10 Helping a Dormouse to cross the road - Wildlife bridges.
Dr Pat Morris
15:45 Long term monitoring of dormice at one site; 19 years at Mallydams Wood
Adam Grogan & Richard Thompson, RSPCA
16:20 Questions / Discussion Session with the speakers chaired by:
Johnny Birks, Chairman of The Mammal Society
16:40 Summary of the Day
Dr Pat Morris
16:50 Finish
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