Courses & Events
Small Mammal Morning
- When:
Sat 02 Oct 2010 10.00 h - 13.00 h
- Category:
Outdoor Event
- Where?:
Hurst Wood
This is an archived listing for a past event. To find out about future events see the
Upcoming Events page.
Activity Description:
"The Heaths Countryside Corridor are pleased to invite Kent Mammal Group members along to a small mammal morning being held at Hurst Wood, Charing Heath on Saturday, October 2nd.
The event will be led by Steve Kirk of the Kent Mammal Group and will run between 10.00am and 1.00pm. You will have the chance to check some traps that will have been set over the previous day or two and we will also check the dormouse boxes that have been used in the past in this wood.
This is a great chance to see some of the work done by a community group in partnership with the Kent Mammal Group. We will meet at 9.45 on Hurst Lane opposite Hurst Wood (TN27 0BH).
For more information or to book a place please contact Mike Phillips at
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